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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 8, 2012 – Easter Sunday

We reminded ourselves during the Holy Week how Jesus was mocked, tortured and crucified for the salvation of mankind. Jesus died in silence and redeemed by God thru His resurrection which we celebrate every Easter.  We need to remember that each Easter God’s sacrifice gives us eternal life. It opens our eyes and makes us realize of the hope we have in Christ. We must relocate our old lives out of the worldliness of sins by means of repentance and into the spirit of new life with Christ. Our faith in Him brings real joy because we recognize that we are not alone and that Christ is always near, especially during times of great difficulty. Despite the pain and suffering in our world, victory will triumph over failure, good triumph over evil just like eternal life triumphed over the death of Jesus. May the promise of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy! Rejoice in the Lord's triumph!

April 2, 2012 – John 12: - Mary anoints Jesus

The gospel is about how Judas became jealous of Jesus when Mary anointed Him with perfume. In real life, we encounter people who got jealous of what we owned and have achieved. We see and hear people who receive praise and recognition at their place of work, in the church or in their family. This public acclamation can cause jealousy by those who did not receive it. They say good and bad things about others. They employ false witness against neighbors and fall into great sin. So what we need is repentance by asking God’s forgiveness. We should then fix our eyes on our blessings before us not on others. We should focus our attention on how we can attain our own crown of glory and success. Every human being has its own fame or achievement depending on how he/she manages or controls his own life. But we should always have Christ in our minds when we work towards the fulfillment of our dreams.