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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Feb. 22, 2012 – Matthew 6:1-3,4,17,18 – ASH WEDNESDAY

The reflections on the gospel is about fasting and almsgiving which are penitential rites done during lenten season. When we do fasting, we limit the intake of food and feel grateful for the food we eat everyday which are blessings from God. It then forces us to get out of our comfort zone to make some sacrifice and  become  better human beings. We should think that the money we can save in fasting can be shared to others through almsgiving especially to  those people who are deprived  of necessities in life.
What is also important in fasting is not the quantity of food by eating  less but by obedience to God. We follow God's plan of salvation thru the sacraments and ask for forgiveness by doing the penitence. When we recite the act of confession during the mass, particularly the words “through my faults, through my faults, through my most grievous faults”, we recognize our mistakes, errors, sins and became accountable and liable for what we have done to hurt other people. We offer our humbled hearts during the mass with the right spirit. Then, we share in the body of Christ not for human reasons but for God's reasons.
Fasting does not only pertain to eating less food intake but can be done thru abstaining from gossips and pursuits. It is like taming the tounge during lent. Fasting transform the renewal of our mind by giving importance to God. We focus our mind on Him and do less talking to harm others.